Congnitive Analytics

Efficiency improvement in a matter of weeks with real-time data analytics

Our Cloud bases Analytics service automatically analyzes electrical systems, energy & equipment data, to identify issues, faults, deviations and correlations, all of which are opportunities for improved performance and operational savings. With customised accessible dashboards and reporting tools that provide administrators and maintenance team with lightning-fast insight for even faster action. See below what our dashboards and tools can do for you:

Quick scan

Insight into the operation of your entire building installation by means of graphs at a glance. By linking different data points, the user gets a combined overview of all factors that influence the operation of the installation.


Our cloud-based analytics service can help maintenance workers in factories improve their performance, save money, and make better decisions by providing real-time insights into operations, identifying patterns of equipment failures, and tracking the performance of different machines. We have a proven track record of success in helping factories improve their operations.


Our cloud-based analytics service provides insights into energy consumption compared to previous periods and comparable objects. The dashboard can be customized to normalize data based on floor area, degree days, and CO2 emissions. We also offer the ability to link to smart meters and monitor generated energy.

Our service is used by businesses of all sizes to improve their energy efficiency and reduce their carbon footprint. We have a team of experts who are available to help you get the most out of our service.


We continuously monitor a variety of factors to determine the comfort level of our available rooms. This includes temperature, carbon dioxide levels, the oscillation of heating valves, and the turbulence of air flows.

With SkySpark, we give meaning to your Data

Nodematics services are based on SkySpark software, the world's most advanced IoT analytics platform that automatically analyses data from automation systems, meters, sensors, and other smart devices to identify issues, patterns, deviations, faults and opportunities for operational improvements. With SkySpark, we collects, stores, organizes, analyses, and visualize vast amount of IoT data across multiple systems. Due to the simple display and the clear analyses, SkySpark can be used by building managers, facility managers and other involved parties, and more importantly: SkySpark is an independent software and you will always remain the owner of your data. So you are never tied to Nodematics.

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